Between Friends by Gayle F
Rated: ADULT (NC-17)
Characters: McCoy
Genres: Polyamorous
Story Type: Erotica
Universe: ST:TOS Original Universe
Warnings: None
Series: Cosmic Fuck
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 10417 Read: 11644
McCoy has recently been rescued from a slave labor camp. His experiences there caused him to shut down emotionally, and he is only slowly “coming back to life.” Then Kirk and Spock invite him to spend the night…
“Between Friends” was first published in the print fanzine Obsc'zine #3, T’Kuhtian Press, May 1978 with art by Connie Faddis. It was the fourth story in the Cosmic Fuck series and is famous for being the first published Kirk/Spock/McCoy threesome story in Star Trek fandom (x).
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