Lord of the Dance by Anne Elliot
Rated: ADULT (NC-17)
Genres: Kirk/Spock Slash
Story Type: Angst, First Time
Universe: ST:TOS Original Universe
Warnings: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 16494 Read: 247
Jim Kirk thought everything would always go his way. So when he asked Spock to marry him, he had every confidence he knew the answer. He was wrong. Shocked that he could have misread Spock so badly, he tries to accept Spock’s rejection.
(“And I finally realised that however I looked at it, nothing of what happened between us makes any sense at all, not to me, so I thought I’d ask my science officer to explain it to me. After all, he always has a logical explanation for everything.” Kirk looked up at Spock again, “Doesn’t he?”)
Originally published in July 2008 in the print fanzine First Time #62. Posted to ksarchive on March 23, 2018.
“Oh, I enjoyed this dance! It presented a very good premise with an interesting culture and customs as background to a tender compelling love story. The interaction and the subsurface feelings Kirk has for Spock and vice-versa is just as I like it. There’s such tenderness and yet there is enough uncertainty to build up the tension between the characters and on the part of the reader.” (x)
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