The Hustler by Courtney Gray
Rated: ADULT (NC-17)
Categories: Fiction
Genres: Kirk/Spock Slash
Story Type: First Time
Universe: ST:TOS Original Universe
Warnings: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 11785 Read: 6548
Cadet Spock decides to investigate a well-known pleasure house where he buys the services of a young man who turns out to also be a starfleet cadet.
Originally published in 1981 in the print fanzine Out of Bounds.
“I think the thing I like best about this story beside the sweet way James Kirk goes about initiating Spock into the mysteries and pleasures of sex, is the total lack of angst on his part. The captain-to-be makes good money doing this on his vacations from the Academy, and generally takes pleasure in doing his job well. The description of Kirk in his white satin jumpsuit and white knee high boots is to die for, and what happens thirteen years later when Kirk assumes command of the Enterprise balances the story beautifully.“ (x)
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